Warhammer Age of Sigmar

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Age of Sigmar cover.jpg
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Rulebook Cover
Manufacturer(s) Games Workshop
Publisher(s) Games Workshop
Years active 2015
Genre(s) Wargaming
Players 2+
Setup time Varies depending on size of game. Usually 15 to 30 minutes.
Playing time Varies depending on size of game. Usually around two to eight hours.
Random chance Medium (dice rolling)
Skill(s) required arithmetic
Website www.games-workshop.com

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar (AoS) is a tabletop wargame released by Games Workshop in 2015. It replaces Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) as the fantasy wargame in the Warhammer universe. Several supplements released for the eighth edition of WFB centred on the End Times which led to the almost total destruction of the Warhammer world and the death of most of the world's population. This leads into the Age of Sigmar with the return of the long-lost founder of the human empire worshipped as a god.


Following the destruction of the Warhammer World by the forces of Chaos, Sigmar floated through outer space, clinging to the core of the Old world. He eventually met a space dragon called Dracothion, and they became good friends. Dracothion let Sigmar ride him, and showed him the way to nine new realms, each a representation of a magical "wind" emphasising some element like fire or light or life - as well as the later, unilateral addition of Chaos by the Chaos Gods - which are connected by magical portals called realmgates. Souls were drawn to these realms, some being survivors from the previous world, some new, or were sought out by Sigmar. Sigmar forged an alliance amongst these peoples and their gods (his former acquaintances from the old world) as civilisations were re-established. Following an attack by the Forces of Chaos which captured most of the realms the alliance broke down and the civilisations were almost totally destroyed before Khorne and his forces turned upon the rest of the Chaos armies. Sigmar decided to create the mightiest warriors ever, the Stormcast Eternals. Armed with mighty storm weapons, the Stormcast led the fight back against Chaos. The Age of Sigmar begins many, many generations after this with Sigmar attempting to re-establish the former alliances and purge the world of Chaos once and for all.

As in the lore, there are present souls who survived the End Times and have wandered through space, nearly all races from the WFB game and even individual characters noted as having died in the End Times, are eligible for play.


There are four main factions in Age of Sigmar, called Grand Alliances.

Order Grand Alliance

Order wishes to beat Chaos. It comprises:

  • Stormcast Eternals, demigod-like warriors imbued with a portion of Sigmar's godly power and clad in magical armor made of sigmarite. This is a completely new faction created for the game. They were created by Sigmar with the aid of Grungni (the main god of the duardin) to be the ultimate weapon against the forces of Chaos. They are members of the mortal races which Sigmar plucked from the realms before their death in battle, the reason of his choosing can be varied (valor in battle, faith, pure hearted etc...). He then remolds them completely into mighty warriors, much larger than normal humans and immensely powerful. They are immortals in the sense that, when they die, their bodies and souls are instantly transported in a bolt energy back to the celestial realm to be reforged anew.
    • Extremis Chamber: Certain Stormcast also ride on beasts called Dracoths, comprising the Stormcast Extremis.
  • Seraphon, previously the Lizardmen. In the current iteration they are described to be Daemons who fight for Order.
  • Sylvaneth, previously a part of the Wood Elves faction. They are forest spirits.
  • Duardin, previously the Dwarfs. They are split into three Factions:
    • Fyreslayers, mercenary Dwarfs who worship Gromnir. They fight for Ur-Gold, a magical element whom they believe to be the remants of their god.
    • Dispossessed, the remaining Dwarfs who still bear grudges against their enemies and worship Grugni.
    • Ironweld Arsenal, which focus on the steampunk element of the Dwarfs. They are allied with humans.
  • Humans, previously the Empire and Bretonnians. Divided in several factions:
    • Devoted of Sigmar, remnants of the former Empire. Flagellants, Priests, and Witch Hunters.
    • Collegiate Arcane, human wizards.
    • Free Peoples, the rest of the human race. Knights and guilds.
  • Aelfs, previously the Elves. They are split into three main groups:
    • Highborn, previously the High Elves
      • The Eldritch Council: Wizards, Swordmasters of Hoeth, Loremasters, Wizard on Dragon.
      • Phoenix Temple: Phoenixes and the Phoenix Guard.
      • Lion Rangers: White Lions of Chrace, Lion Chariots.
      • Swifthawk Agents: Skycutters, Chariots, and Shadow Warriors.
      • Order Draconis: Dragon Princes, which are now called Dragon Blades, plus the Prince on Dragon.
    • Exiles, previously the Dark Elves.
      • Scourge Privateers: Kharybdiss, Scourgerunner Chariot, Corsairs, and the Fleetmaster.
      • Daughters of Khaine: Witch Elves, Doomfire Warlocks, and the Cauldron of Blood and Bloodwrack Shrine.
      • Darkling Covens: Black Guard, Dreadspears, Darkshards, Bleakswords, and both the Sorceress on foot and the Sorceress on Dragon.
      • Shadowblades: Dark Elf Assassins and Dark Riders.
      • Order Serpentis: Cold One (now called Drakespawn) Riders and Chariots, the Dreadlord on Dragon, and the War Hydra.
    • Wanderers, previously the elven portion of the Wood Elves.

Chaos Grand Alliance

Fueled by the base desires and actions of mortals (wrath, decay, intrigue, and lust), they seek to bring every realm to heel. They serve the Four Chaos Gods. Before the Age of Sigmar they had conquered 7 of the 8 Mortal Realms and began the Age of Chaos, before Sigmar struck back with the Stormcast. It comprises:

  • Everchosen, the followers of Archaon the Everchosen of Chaos.
  • Slaves to Darkness, formerly the Warriors of Chaos faction.
  • Khorne Bloodbound, humans devoted to the service of Khorne.
    • Daemons of Khorne, formerly Chaos Daemons which were the creations of Khorne.
  • Tzeentch Arcanites, humans devoted to the service of Tzeentch.
    • Daemons of Tzeentch, formerly Chaos Daemons which were the creations of Tzeentch.
  • Nurgle Rotbringers, humans devoted to the service of Nurgle.
    • Daemons of Nurgle, formerly Chaos Daemons which were the creations of Nurgle.
  • Hosts of Slaanesh, humans devoted to the service of Slaanesh.
  • Daemons of Chaos, formerly Chaos Daemons.
  • Beastmen, now divided into:
    • Brayherds
    • Warherds
  • Chaos Dwarves, now divided into two groups:
    • Legions of Azgorh
    • Tamurkhan`s Horde
  • Monsters of Chaos, large beasts created from the Realm of Chaos.
  • Chaos Gargants, formerly Chaos Giants.
  • Thunderscorn, formerly the Dragon Ogres.
  • Skaven, now formally part of the realm of Chaos as the Great Horned Rat ascended to the pantheon of the Chaos Gods. They consist of:
    • Masterclan, formerly the leaders of the Skaven armies.
    • The Clans Skryre, Skaven which dabble in bizarre sorcery and science.
    • The Clans Moulder, Skaven which breed grotesque war beasts.
    • The Clans Pestilens, Skaven which now worship the Chaos god Nurgle.
    • The Clans Eshin, Skaven which are stealthy assassins.
    • The Clans Verminus, Skaven warriors.

Death Grand Alliance

Opposed to Chaos, more or less allied with Order when uniting in common cause against Chaos, but wishing to rule all the realms for themselves. Ruled by the self-proclaimed god of death, Nagash. They consist of:

  • Deathlords, formerly a portion of Vampire Counts. These were the leading aristocracy of the Vampire Counts, consisting of Nagash's command, the Mortarchs, the Morghasts, and the Vampire Lords.
  • Soulblight, formerly a portion of Vampire Counts. They consist of the vampires.
  • Deathmages, formerly a portion of Vampire Counts. They consist of necromancers.
  • Deadwalkers, formerly a portion of Vampire Counts. They consist of zombies.
  • Deathrattle, formerly a portion of Tomb Kings. They consist of skeletons.
  • Flesh-Eater Courts, formerly a portion of Vampire Counts. They consist of crypt ghouls, vampires which devolved into flesh eating monstrosities.
  • Nighthaunt, formerly a portion of Vampire Counts. They consist of ghosts, spirits, and wraiths.

Destruction Grand Alliance

Unpredictable and opportunistic, they fight for their own self interests or often for the sake of conflict. They consist of:

  • Orruks and Grots, formerly the Orcs and Goblins. They have several Factions, including:
    • Ironjawz, formerly the Black Orcs, heavily armored Orruks. Grouped in various clans:
      • Ardboys
      • Brutes
      • Gore-gruntas
      • Megabosses
      • Weirdnob Shamans
      • Warchanters
      • Maw-krushas
    • Greenskinz, formerly a portion of Orcs and Goblins, the typical Orruks that populated the majority of the Orruk race.
    • Bonesplitterz, formerly the Savage Orcs, Orruks which are more primitive and use bone weaponry and shamanism.
    • Grots, formerly the Goblins. They consist of:
      • Moonclan Grots, Goblins which were in the Moon Clan.
      • Spiderfang Grots, Goblins who rode Spiders.
      • Gritmob Grots, the rest of the Goblins.
  • Aleguzzler Gargants, giants who do not serve Chaos.
  • Gutbusters, formerly the Ogre Kingdoms. They have three Factions, including:
    • Beastclaw Raiders, Ogors who ride on massive Thundertusks.
    • Firebellies, fire breathing Ogors.
    • Maneaters.
  • Troggoth, formerly the Trolls from the Orcs and Goblins faction.


General principles

Warhammer Age of Sigmar emphasises the narrative part of the wargaming experience. It encourages you to play scenarios and recreate battles from the existing books or to make your own stories .

The ruleset is designed to make the game easy to learn but hard to master. It is very quick to read the basic rules common to everyone, while more specific mechanics are contained in "Warscrolls". Each unit in Age of Sigmar has a Warscroll: a pamphlet detailing its rules and stats, giving you everything you need to play your unit on the battlefield. The art of the game lies in understanding how your units work together, and exploiting synergies to use them as a cohesive army.

The rules and Warscrolls are free, and can be downloaded from the Games Workshop website or viewed in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar app.

Game balance

Where Warhammer Fantasy Battle included points totals for different units and opponents agreed on the number of points to be fielded by each army, Age of Sigmar bases its size simply on the number of units in play. This leads to a situation where one army could be composed of very strong units and the other same size army of very weak units. There is no incentive in the rules to take weaker units.

There is no requirement that the number of models on each side be equal. However, if at start of play one side has a third more models than the other the smaller side may opt to play for its choice of "sudden death" victory such as:

  • kill a particular enemy model (nominated by the larger side),
  • have a model within 3" of piece of terrain in enemy territory (nominated by smaller side) at the end of the fourth round,
  • have at least one model starting the battle survive for six rounds.

Bonuses for player behaviour and appearance

The rules compendia have included rules (one for each "old" army, with a few exceptions) that are regarded as absurd and could be considered tongue-in-cheek humor.[1]

For example:

If, during your entire hero phase, you can maintain a dignified (even arrogant) composure and not smile, smirk or laugh regardless of your opponent's antics, you may re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for models in a Dragon Host until your next hero phase. (Dragon Host, High Elves, page 28)


You can re-roll any failed hit rolls when attacking with the Runefang so long as you have a bigger and more impressive moustache than your opponent. (Kurt Helborg, The Empire, page 4)

Other rules offer bonuses for toasting to the mythical figure "the Lady", pretending to ride a horse, dancing while rolling dice, and other unusual criteria.

It has been stated, however, that the silly rules for the Warhammer Fantasy Battles armies were intended as a sort of tongue-in-cheek sendoff to the Old World, as well as an incentive to get people to take a look at the newer armies they would be releasing, as it would be somewhat embarrassing to play with these rules in public.[2]


  1. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  2. Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.

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