Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote

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Selected quotes archive

So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House or the Supreme Court or the Senate or the House of Representatives or the media. The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.
— Kurt Vonnegut, In These Times (August 26, 2004)

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Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/8

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?

Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?

T. S. Eliot, Choruses from 'The Rock'

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Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/7

Classification, broadly defined, is the act of organizing the universe of knowledge into some systematic order. It has been considered the most fundamental activity of the human mind.
Lois Mai Chan, Cataloguing and Classification: An Introduction

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Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/6

A library doesn't need windows. A library is a window.
Stewart Brand, unknown

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The impious maintain that nonsense is normal in the Library and that the reasonable (and even humble and pure coherence) is an almost miraculous exception.
Jorge Luis Borges, The Library of Babel

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Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/4

Information can tell us everything. It has all the answers. But they are answers to questions we have not asked, and which doubtless don't even arise.
Jean Baudrillard, unknown

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Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/3

There’s no use going to school unless your final destination is the library.
Ray Bradbury, unknown

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The closest we will ever come to an orderly universe is a good library.
Ashleigh Brilliant, unknown

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Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/1


Selecting a quote

There is no formal nomination process for adding a new quote to the selected quotes collection. It is assumed that the quote will be about library and information science, if not from a librarian or information professional.

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Feel free to leave any suggestions for a selected quote in this section. Comments are helpful.


If you are feeling ambitious, the instructions for adding an entry to the selected quote collection are outlined below. Any questions or disagreements about the appropriateness of an entry should be discussed on the talk page.

Adding a quote

  • Go to Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/Layout and grab the layout template.
  • Go to the next available subpage (Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/n+1 - where n is the number of the topmost biography below, as it will be throughout these instructions).
  • Paste the layout template into the subpage and fill in the appropriate fields.
  • On this page, add the following text directly above the topmost selected image:
{{Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/n+1}}
[[Portal:Library and information science/Selected quote/n+1]]
  • Go to the main portal page edit screen and find the following text. Look closely as there are other similar components on the page.
{{Random portal component|max=1|seed=41|header=''Selected quote''|subpage=Selected quote}}
  • Change the max attribute from n to n+1. Save and you're done! Thanks for the contribution.