Grothendieck construction

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The Grothendieck construction is a construction used in the mathematical field of category theory.


F\colon C\rightarrow \text{CAT}

be a functor from any small category to the category of small categories. The Grothendieck construction for F is the category \Gamma(F) (also written C \int F), with

  • objects being pairs (c,x), where c\in obj(C) and x\in obj(F(c)); and
  • morphisms \text{Hom}_{\Gamma(F)}((c_1,x_1),(c_2,x_2)) being pairs (f, x) such that f\colon c_1\rightarrow c_2 in mor(C) and x\colon F(f)(x_1) \rightarrow x_2 in mor(F(c_2)).

Composition of morphisms is defined by (f, x) \cdot (f', x') = (f f', x \cdot F(f) (x')).

See Also


  • Mac Lane and Moerdijk, Sheaves in Geometry and Logic, pp. 44.
  • R. W. Thomason (1979). Homotopy colimits in the category of small categories. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 85, pp 91-109. doi:10.1017/S0305004100055535.

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