List of The 4400 characters

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This is a list of fictional characters in the television series The 4400. The list includes the series main characters, recurring characters, minor characters, as well a list of the 4400 returnees.

Main Characters

Character Portrayed by Notes
Kyle Baldwin Chad Faust
Tom Baldwin Joel Gretsch NTAC agent
Jordan Collier Billy Campbell One of the 4400 (see below)
Shawn Farrell Patrick Flueger One of the 4400 (see below)
Nina Jarvis Samantha Ferris NTAC
Alana Mareva Karina Lombard One of the 4400 (see below)
Dennis Ryland Peter Coyote
Diana Skouris Jacqueline McKenzie NTAC agent
Maia Skouris Conchita Campbell One of the 4400 (see below)
Isabelle Tyler Megalyn Echikunwoke Daughter of Lily and Richard Tyler, has abilities although not technically a 4400
Lily Moore Tyler Laura Allen One of the 4400 (see below)
Richard Tyler Mahershalalhashbaz Ali One of the 4400 (see below)
Meghan Doyle Jenni Baird NTAC

Recurring characters

Kevin Burkhoff

Marco Pacella

Tess Doerner

April Skouris

April (Natasha Gregson Wagner) is the artistic free-spirited sister of NTAC Agent Diana Skouris. When she was introduced she was the "black sheep of the family": unlucky, unmarried, steady job-less, and very untrustworthy. Maia, was briefly tricked into using her ability to choose lottery tickets and wager on sports for her "Aunt April." After this was discovered, Diana told April she was not allowed to see Maia and to come back one day when she is a better person.

Later in the series April returns with a handsome boyfriend named Ben and a successful job at her own tattoo shop. Although things seem up for her, things take a wrong turn. She proves to be unlucky in her relationship with Ben (Brennan Elliott), recently losing him to her sister, Diana.

April becomes depressed and coming to the realization that her life is pointless she takes a promicin shot, gaining the ability to make anyone truthfully answer any direct question she asks. She used this ability to make a living blackmailing people, and falls in love with a man named Colin. However, one of her "marks" is the vice president of a Fortune 500 company which paid for hitmen and was selling defective armor to the military. The "mark" has April's new boyfriend murdered.

Shocked, sad, and frightened at her loss and the new danger she is in, April returns to Diana for help and for a short time helps them uncover the killer using her ability. April uses her powers to expose the head of the corporation to NTAC, and is later employed by the federal government, using her powers in interrogations. She and Diana leave off on a more positive note than before.

Gary Navarro

Prior to his abduction (January 5, 1973), Gary Navarro (Sharif Atkins) only worried about baseball and getting to the Major Leagues. After his return, Gary hoped to continue his life's goal. Although NTAC Agent Tom Baldwin had promised to help him gain control his recently emerged telepathic abilities, Gary was swept up and made a spy for NTAC, an NSA agent, and eventually a member of the 4400 radical terrorist organization, Nova Group.

Gary was first used by NTAC to spy on the newly opened 4400 Center, reading the minds of Jordan Collier to dig up information. After he was uncovered as a spy, he was taken by the NSA to be used to find 4400s from hostile nations. His job was to eliminate them before they could be used as weapons. Finding out he'd been used to kill his own kind pushed Gary to then join Nova.

While working for Nova, Gary was captured when he attempted to murder Dennis Ryland. Agents loyal to Ryland subjected Gary to torture, including waterboarding, at the NTAC facility. When Tom Baldwin objected to his cruel punishment, NSA arranged to remove Navarro to another remote facility. Navarro was gladly freed in transit by the Nova group but after T.J. Kim's murder, Gary became dissatisfied with the Nova Group's operations and tired of the war, so he quit.

After a larger controversy where he escaped re-capture by NTAC thanks to Alana Mareva, Tom finally fulfilled his promise to Gary and helped him flee from the United States. Gary is currently a fugitive, reportedly in Canada.

Nikki Hudson

Nikki (Brooke Nevin) is the Farrells' neighbor and was Danny's girlfriend, until Shawn returned. Nikki and Shawn developed feelings for each other and dated until Shawn ran away to the 4400 Center. She returns later asking for Shawn's help curing her cancer-stricken father. They seem on the verge of renewing their relationship but Shawn calls it off, fearing that Isabelle will try to kill Nikki as an obstacle to her and Shawn's happiness.

Danny Farrell

Danny (Kaj-Erik Eriksen) is Shawn's younger brother who, because Shawn "stole" his girlfriend, is a staunch anti-4400 college student. Danny goes to the same college as Kyle. During season two, however, Matthew Ross suggested to Shawn that he should mend things with his family to help his image. Since then, Danny has healed his relationship with his older brother, though tensions still exist between the two.

The antagonistic relationship between the brothers flares up again in season four. Danny has felt that becoming a lawyer, in view of the powers possessed by promicin-positive individuals, has become pointless. In spite of his brother's advice, Danny wants to take promicin, and he mocks Shawn's warnings as fear that Shawn will no longer be the "special one". After realizing that taking promicin is Danny's own choice, Shawn gives a shot to him, but asks Danny to wait a few weeks to think it over.

In Tiny Machines, Danny, having heard about the test being developed by Kevin Burkhoff to determine whether or not an individual can tolerate promicin, approaches his brother at the 4400 Center. Though the test had not yet been completed, Burkhoff was able to predict, due to Danny's prominent Corpus callosum, that he would indeed survive if he took the shot. After doing so, Danny was unharmed - however during a visit home, in which he reveals that he is now "P-Positive" to his mother over drinks, the latter begins to exhibit signs of an aneurysm similar to those induced when individuals who can't tolerate promicin take the shot.

After many deaths, Danny realizes that his body is creating more promicin than it can contain and is involuntarily releasing it, infecting many. Much like the shots, the victims have a 50% chance of either surviving or acquiring a special ability. He eventually seeks Shawn's help and is put on the promicin inhibitor, but is left with an ultimatum: die from the buildup of promicin or get off the inhibitor and risk infecting others. Not wanting to kill anyone else, Danny forces Shawn to euthanize him. Meanwhile, the ensuing chaos of people being infected by promicin is used by Jordan Collier to bolster the support of his movement and take control of Seattle. Danny Farrell and Jordan Collier have the exact opposite ability.

Matthew Ross

Matthew (Garret Dillahunt) was a lobbyist in the Collier organization who advises Shawn after Jordan Collier's death. Matthew ran the day-to-day business of the 4400 Center and it is hinted Collier gave him specific instructions of what to do.

Early episodes in the third season suggested that Matthew knew more about the 4400 and Jordan Collier's assassination than he had revealed. When Isabelle Tyler was contemplating suicide, Ross told her she was nearly invulnerable, but offered her a syringe that he claimed would kill her. In a later episode, a similar toxin was given to Tom Baldwin from the future in order to neutralize Isabelle.

Matthew is later murdered by Isabelle when she inflicted an instantaneous stroke upon him. He had manipulated her for some time, and informed her that her purpose was to destroy the 4400. He implied that his loyalty lay with a faction from the future, one that opposed the 4400 project. This faction would be described to Tom Baldwin by the future people, and were described as cold and brutal in their methods.

In the fourth season episode "The Marked", it is revealed through Curtis Peck's ability that Ross was among a ten-strong group of prominent individuals in society who have had their consciousness "hijacked" by the 4400-opposed faction. A side-effect of this operation leaves a mole underneath the subject's left earlobe, along with a vaguely X-shaped mark (hence the title of Curtis' Independent film and thus the episode). This mole is never actually visible in any scenes where Matthew was present, but it is explicitly revealed that he was the first known "Marked."

Heather Tobey

A school teacher, Heather (Kathryn Gordon) disappeared March 2, 1974. Her ability is to allow people to realize their full potential with regard to any special talent they may have. She unlocked artistic potential in several of her students. After several parents complained about their children being "altered," she quit. In the third season, she works at the 4400 Center's school. While taking the promicin inhibitor, her ability only worked on children, but without the inhibitor she can help adult 4400s focus their abilities, e.g., she helped Richard Tyler gain greater control over his telekinetic abilities.

She now works as an assistant to Shawn Farrell at the 4400 Center.

Cassie Dunleavy

Cassie Dunleavy (Tristin Leffler) is seemingly the physical manifestation of Kyle Baldwin's ability. She makes her first appearance in the fourth season premiere, "The Wrath of Graham".

Cassie first approaches Kyle in a park where she poses as an art student. During the course of their conversation she suggests Kyle inject his cousin, Shawn Farrell, with promicin to snap him out of his coma. Kyle takes her advice and Shawn is awakened.

Kyle later returns to the park to tell Cassie what happened, but she is not there. He tries to track her down at the art school she mentioned, but no one has ever heard of her.

When he next sees Cassie (in "Fear Itself"), he confronts her with this information. She does not tell him who she really is but instead encourages him to enter a house whose owner maintains a makeshift museum devoted to the 1918 cult, the White Lights. Among the artifacts Kyle encounters there is a book that describes the coming of a messiah whose portrait physically resembles Jordan Collier. There is also mention of a healer and a shaman, whom Cassie later reveals as Shawn and Kyle, respectively. She also reveals in this episode that she is Kyle's ability, and only he can see her.

In "Audrey Parker's Come and Gone", Cassie instructs Kyle to steal the book describing the White Lights prophecies that he had read in the previous episode. Kyle does as she asks, leaving a $100 donation for the curator as compensation.

Cassie later appears while Kyle is reading the book to tell him to meet her at the intersection of Forbes and Shady at 2 a.m., "where it's all beginning." She warns him that if he doesn't show, he'll never see her again. Kyle does show up at the appointed time, and is there to witness a car crash that leads to the liberation of Isabelle Tyler, in transit to her new holding facility.

Later, in the episode entitled "Tiny Machines", Kyle finally begins to lose faith in the wisdom of Cassie's advice. When Isabelle, under the influence of the now-Marked Tom Baldwin, turns her back on the movement and kidnaps Jordan Collier, Kyle angrily accuses Cassie of deceiving and manipulating him. Her response indicates that Isabelle's betrayal was all part of a larger plan, and that in Jordan's absence it will fall on Kyle to assume leadership of Promise City. In the follow-up book, Promises Broken by David Mack, Kyle finally realizes that Cassie is not always looking out for his interests and was leading him in dark directions by sometimes speaking through him and even using him as her puppet. She is described as being "more than a little crazy, and she's got a mean streak."

The Marked

The Marked are a group of people belonging to the anti-4400 faction in the future, and they are first revealed in their eponymous episode. They consist of ten "elites" sent from the future, whose goal is to preserve the timeline as it originally proceeded and to stop the 4400 - in particular, Jordan Collier. The Marked have taken over the minds and bodies of prominent people in the present day, manipulating the world in total secrecy. Due to the procedure involved in the implantation, The Marked cannot develop powers by taking promicin. They are revealed to have an X-shaped mark behind the left earlobe, as described in 4400 Curtis Peck's trailer for his film The Marked, which would have unveiled the entire conspiracy.

The only explicitly revealed agents thus far are Drew Imroth, the CEO of the Ubient Software Corporation; Rebecca Parish, the director of National Intelligence; and Matthew Ross. It was Ross who primed The Marked's ultimate weapon Isabelle Tyler to destroy the 4400, although the plan faltered when she murdered him.

When Tom Baldwin is sectioned in a mental hospital for reporting Curtis Peck's claims of conspiracy, The Marked implant a sleeper agent inside him. Drew Imroth later reassures his comrades that when they need him, Baldwin will be there for them. After seeing numerous memories belonging to another person, Tom Baldwin is eventually overcome by the being formerly possessing Matthew Ross. Baldwin then uses his NTAC status to his advantage, capturing Isabelle Tyler and blackmailing her into taking back her abilities.

Following an attack on Ubient Software Corporation by a promicin-positive, the rest of The Marked have Drew Imroth kill his host so that he can be implanted into another host, Jordan Collier. Baldwin then forces Isabelle to kidnap Collier.

When Tom Baldwin is later freed from The Marked's control, he tries to rescue Collier, but is captured. However, Isabelle soon turns against The Marked, killing Rebecca Parish and freeing Baldwin and Collier at the cost of her own life. Baldwin, still retaining his memories of being one of The Marked, then gives Collier a list of the remaining seven.

Known members of The Marked include:

  • Matthew Ross (deceased, agent transferred)
  • NTAC agent Tom Baldwin (alive, agent deceased)
  • Ubient CEO Drew Imroth (deceased, agent transferred)
  • Jordan Collier (agent status unknown)
  • National Intelligence agent Rebecca Parish (deceased, agent status unknown)

Minor characters

Introduced in season 1

Character/ Portrayed First seen Abilities (Status) Notes
Orson Bailey /Michael Moriarty S01E01 Telekinesis-styled power, which took the form of "shaking" or vibrations, similar to a local, intense earthquake (Alive) Insurance Salesman and partner in Kensington & Bailey. One of the original 4400, he disappeared from Tacoma, Washington June 11, 1979. After being returned, Bailey's emotional state, already dangerously chaotic, caused him to lose control of his power and suffer nosebleeds. Eventually this inability to control his power led to a man's death, and NTAC pursued Bailey and shot him during apprehension, but he lived.
Carl Morrissey /David Eigenberg S01E02 Enhanced strength and reflexes (Deceased) A supermarket employee turned vigilante. One of the original 4400, he disappeared from Seattle, Washington February 16, 2003. Carl, upon discovering his powers, attempted to rid his neighbourhood of crime, drug use, vandalism and gang violence, and was stabbed and killed during one such venture, but inspired his neighbours to fight crime and continue to better the neighborhood.
Oliver Knox /Lee Tergesen S01E03 Mind control via speech (Alive) A serial killer. One of the original 4400, he disappeared from Friday Harbor, Washington August 22, 1983. After returning, Knox began using his ability to make random people kill his victims for him, but NTAC eventually found out it was him and imprisoned Knox permanently in a soundproof cell at NTAC Seattle Headquarters.
Mary Deneville /Georgia Craig S01E04 Stimulate plant growth via speech (Deceased) A florist and flower shop worker. One of the original 4400, she disappeared August 4, 1999. After Oliver Knox's killing spree, the brothers of one of his victims went on a crusade against the 4400 and planted a bomb in Mary's flower delivery van, killing her in the resulting explosion.

Introduced in season 2

Character/ Portrayed First seen Abilities (Status) Notes
Agent Jed Garrity /Kavan Smith S02E02 Self-replication (Alive) An NTAC agent whom throughout the series is outspoken in his beliefs that the 4400 and other promicin positives should be treated as dangerous criminals. After becoming promicin-positive himself due to being infected by a promicin-inducing virus in "The Great Leap Forward", he creates a fully clothed, self-aware duplicate of himself.
Wendy Paulson /Lexa Doig S02E03 None (Alive) A professor of 19th century novelas at the college Kyle begins attending, she expresses concern for his black-outs later on in the season telling Kyle to tell someone who can help him.
Devon Moore /Jody Thompson S02E03 None (Deceased) An employee at the 4400 Center and one of Jordan Collier's many lovers. Devon was the first to take promicin after Collier stole Haspelcorp's supply. Devon's body rejected promicin and it killed her.
P.J. /Sean Devine S02E03 Hallucination-created games (Alive) NTAC Theory Room Worker (incarcerated). P.J. worked with Marco and Brady in the Theory Room department of NTAC. When promicin hit the streets he wanted to be part of the movement to bring peace to the world so he took the shot. His ability trapped Tom, Megan Doyle, Diana, Maia, Shawn, Isabelle, Kyle, Jordan Collier, Marco, Brady and P.J. himself in a corrupt and locked down NTAC facility. There the group had to fight to escape by working together. In the end, the group succeeded and P.J. was arrested for his actions and for taking promicin; although his ability was shown to have helped bring Jordan Collier and Tom Baldwin a step closer to being friends.
Brady Wingate /Graeme Duffy S02E03 None (Deceased) Works in the Theory Room department at NTAC with Marco Pacella and P.J. In "The Great Leap Forward", he dies after being infected with a promicin-inducing virus.
Trent Applebaum /Robert Picardo S02E04 Saliva could induce increased metabolic rate (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared May 18, 1989. Due to his desperate financial situation, Trent marketed his ability, but it was later discovered that the rapid metabolic reactions couldn't be stopped when two affected people starved to death. NTAC was able to save others who were tested with the saliva when Trent gave his liver up for research.
Eric Papequash /Glen Gould S02E04 Unknown (Deceased) Helped Richard and Lily Tyler hide during their evasion of Jordan Collier.
Billy /Noah Danby S02E04 None (Alive) A tattoo parlour customer, who was warned by Maia to wear his helmet on his motorcycle.
Liv /Lindy Booth S02E05 None (Alive) A homeless girl who Shawn invites to work at the Center.
Jean DeLynn Baker /Sherilyn Fenn S02E08 Emit sub-atomic plague spores through sores on hands (Deceased) One of the original 4400, she disappeared October 27, 1999. When her power manifested during her sleep, wiping out her whole town's population, including her parents, her already unbalanced mind finally caused her to go insane from shock, and eventually regains her lucidity when she comes to believe her purpose is to purify humanity. Diana Skouris was forced to shoot her to keep her from wiping out Seattle's population.
Edwin (Musinga) Mayuya /Hill Harper S02E09 Heal chromosome damage in utero (Deceased) A nurse and wanted war criminal. One of the original 4400, he disappeared from an anti-Tutsi clinic in Rwanda on February 24, 1996. After his efforts to help infants were made public, he was identified as a wanted man for war crimes in Rwanda but was allowed to stay on the condition he kept healing. When it was discovered his gift was killing him (caused his own chromosomes to mutate and slowly destroy his body with developing heart disease and spinal irregularities), and faced with execution if he stopped healing, Edwin decided to keep using his ability for as long as his body allowed as penance for his crimes. Edwin died less than a year later.
TJ Kim /Leanne Adachi S02E11 Induce rage in men (Deceased) One of the original 4400, she disappeared February 2, 1998. T.J. became a firm anti-NTAC extremist after several disasters such as Jordan Collier's assassination and the promicin-inhibitor scandal, and eventually joined the newly formed Nova Group, and was captured for her efforts to assassinate Dennis Ryland. Boyd Gelder (using his ability to disguise himself as Tom Baldwin), later came to NTAC and shot T.J. twice in the head, killing her, to prevent her from revealing what she knew of the group to the authorities.
Roger Wolcott/Rob Lee S02E11 None (Deceased) One of the original 4400, he disappeared March 6, 1987. Roger went into NTAC Seattle Headquarters for a checkup, and was restrained during T.J. Kim's terrorist attack, which had caused all the men in the facility to become homicidally violent. Roger was found by Major Charles Culp, and believing he was responsible for the attack (as he was affected by T.J.'s signal as well), Culp shot Roger in the heart, killing him.
Sarah James /Karen Austin S02E11 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared November 5, 1971.
Laurel Bryce /Iris Paluly S02E11 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared January 7, 1982.
Matthew Lombard /Ken Jones S02E12 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared May 30, 1977.
Rose Woodard/Christie Wilkes S02E12 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared December 1, 1991.
Werner Loecher /Nicholas von Zill S02E12 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared April 19, 1973.
Nate McCullough /Jonah Bay S02E13 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared September 8, 2000.

Introduced in season 3

Character/ Portrayed First seen Abilities (Status) Notes
Jung Pak /Phoenix Ly S03E01 Can breathe underwater due to fish-like gills on his back (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared September 30, 1956.
Tyler Downing /Matthew Gray S03E01 Control electricity (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared January 9, 1972. Can turn on and off electrical devices by altering electric currents (Electro-psychokinesis). Tyler was one of the 4400 children abducted by 'Sarah'.
Philippa Bynes /Angelique Naude S03E01 Create light (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared May 11, 1994.
Dante Ferelli /Kurt Evans S03E01 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared December 24, 1982.
Wesley Hauser /Andrew Kavadas S03E02 Unknown (Deceased) One of the original 4400, he disappeared in 1975.
Daniel Armand /Ian Tracey S03E02 Induce psychosis (Alive) Leader of the NOVA group. One of the original 4400, he disappeared July 20, 1990. Daniel convinced Shawn to help create the Nova Group through funding as Shawn believed a defensive force of 4400's was needed after the promicin-inhibitor scandal. When Daniel resorted to terrorist means, Shawn became an enemy of the group and sold them out to NTAC. Daniel later sought vengeance against Shawn for his betrayal, and used his ability to make him schizophrenic. Isabelle Tyler hunted Daniel down as vengeance, and after forcing him to undo the damage, Isabelle turned Daniel's ability against himself, driving him insane.
Boyd Gelder /Sean Marquette S03E03 Imitation (Deceased) A member of the NOVA group. One of the original 4400, he disappeared March 3, 2000. After T.J. Kim's capture, Boyd volunteered for the mission to assassinate T.J. to prevent Nova's secret from falling into the authorities's hands and attempted to frame Tom Baldwin for the murder. Boyd was captured shortly after killing T.J., but was freed by Jordan Collier along with the rest of the group and assisted him in stealing Haspelcorp's supple of promicin, and later triggered a suicide bomb, which wiped out the original team of enhanced soldiers made by Haspelcorp, except Isabelle Tyler.
Ryan Freel /Matthew Harrison S03E04 Unknown (Alive) A member of the NOVA group. One of the original 4400, he disappeared July 14, 1982.
Amy Paspalis /Julia Tortolano S03E04 Probability alteration (Alive) Center student and Maia Skouris's best friend. One of the original 4400, she disappeared July 23, 1999.
Lindsey Hammond /Alexia Fast S03E04 Oil in fingers alters glass (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared November 23, 1979. Lindsey was one of the 4400 children abducted by "Sarah" in the episode "Gone". In season 4, Lindsey returns as one of the promicin positives living in Promise City. There, she wishes Maia a happy birthday and gives her a special gift; her parents.
Olivia Germaine /Sophie Barnett S03E04 Hydrokinesis (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared April 2, 1964. Her powers only work in the presence of her brother, Duncan. Olivia was one of the 4400 children abducted by "Sarah".
Duncan Germaine /Cainan Wiebe S03E04 Hydrokinesis (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared April 2, 1964. His powers only work in the presence of his sister Olivia. Duncan was one of the 4400 children abducted by "Sarah".
Christopher Dubov /Kevin McNulty S03E05 Pheromone detection (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared June 29, 1999. He matched people who smelled similar - he got his wife and dentist together. His son Michael, enraged that his mother had left, assaulted him.
Todd Barstow /Carter Jenkins S03E06 Can see the past through another’s emotional memories (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared August 29, 1995. In the memories he sees, he can see events, names, and even the feelings and thoughts of the people involved in that particular event. For his power to work, he must be conversing with the person. He told Alana the whereabouts of the man who killed her husband and son in a car accident.
Zachary Gilund /Danny Dorosh S03E06 Unknown (Alive) A former member of the NOVA group. One of the original 4400, he disappeared November 10, 1966. When NTAC began hunting for Daniel Armand after he caused Shawn Farrell to become schizophrenic, Zachary was frightened into leaving the group and told Richard Tyler the name and location of his Nova recruiter, Jane Nance, and later told Isabelle when confronted shortly after the meeting.
Jane Nance /Ulla Friis S03E06 Control animals (Deceased) A owner of many pets and a member of the Nova Group. One of the original 4400, she disappeared October 17, 1980. Isabelle killed Jane by turning her ability on herself, causing the animals she took care of to attack her, but not before Jane gave up Jorge Molina's name and location.
Jorge Molina /Emilio Salituro S03E06 Pyrokinesis (Deceased) A gas station worker and a member of the Nova Group. One of the original 4400, he disappeared March 24, 1975. Jorge was killed by Isabelle Tyler when she turned his ability on himself, causing him to make the station explode with him inside it, but not before giving up Daniel Armand's location.
Naomi Bonderman /Linda Darlow S03E08 Induce hallucinations to resolve past problems (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared February 2, 1992. She secretes an oil from her hands that causes people to hallucinate figures from their past who they had strong ties to; the visions remaining until some closure is found. Her grandson used the oils to create "Blink," a street drug that caused three suicides and infected Tom and Diana. Naomi, who wears gloves to prevent the oil from touching people, helped NTAC to find the truth.
Darren Piersahl/Jamie Martz S04E10 Oxidation (Deceased) A Sergeant in the US Army Rangers recruited into the enhanced-soldier program.
John Schaffner /J. August Richards S04E10 Unknown (Deceased) A Staff Sergeant in the US Army Rangers recruited in the enhanced-soldier program.
Edwin Garrett /? S03E10 Unknown (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared October 8, 1980. Attended Shawn Farrell's wedding.
Claudio Borghi /Brian George S03E10 Induce precognitive visions (Alive) One of the original 4400, he disappeared June 19, 1961. His ability is also biochemical - tobacco grown and touched by him imparted the visions to those who smoked it. Gave Shawn one of his cigars for a wedding gift.
Paul Newbold /Sean Pratt S03E12 Change body temperature (Alive) A member of the Nova Group. While he’s one of the original 4400, his abduction date goes unmentioned.
Tina Richardson/Tanya Hubbard S03E12 Telepathically erase memories (Alive) One of the original 4400, she disappeared April 12, 1995. A member of the Nova Group.
Lewis Mesirow /Chris Davis S03E12 Remote viewing (Alive) A member of the Nova Group. One of the original 4400, he disappeared April 19, 1955. Lewis used his ability to help Jordan Collier find Kevin Burkhoff and Tess Doerner.
Michael Lawrence /Never seen S03E12 Change oxygen level in bloodstream (Alive) 4400 Center Student and Member of the Nova Group. Michael worshiped Jordan Collier after his resurrection, and gladly used his ability to free the Nova Group from NTAC Seattle Headquarters.
Unnamed woman /Never seen S03E13 Cure neurodegenerative disease (Alive) A woman living in El Paso, Texas, who is the first recorded person to develop 4400 abilities from Collier's distribution of promicin. She cured her father who was living in a hospice of his Alzheimer's disease.

Introduced in season 4

Character/ Portrayed First seen Abilities (Status) Notes
Graham Holt /Cameron Bright S04E01 Make himself worshiped (Alive) An unpopular high school student who took a promicin shot. When Graham became increasingly drunk on his new power and used it to take control of Seattle, Jordan Collier neutralized his ability.
Troy Kennedy/Tod Fennell S04E02 Can play any instrument (Alive) An unemployed and lonely man who took a promicin shot. Troy was interrogated by NTAC about being the possible culprit behind the multiple phobia attacks around Seattle despite him explaining his true ability. Meghan Doyle later revealed he was innocent as another attack happened while he was in custody, and because he wasn't subjected to a promicin test, Troy was released.
Brandon Powell /Jake Cherry S04E02 Exacerbate fears to phobic level (Alive) An autistic child who was given a promicin shot by his father, who wanted his son to have a normal childhood. He was cured by Shawn Farrell of his autism and put on the promicin inhibitor to control his ability. When he began taking the inhibitor, his previous victims showed signs of recovering their sanity. It is unclear whether they would relapse if he ceased to take the inhibitor.
Audrey Parker /Constance Towers and Laura Mennell S04E03 Astral projection (Deceased) An old woman who took a promicin shot. She used her ability to feel emotionally alive again, and after her accidental murder by the son of her caretaker, Audrey helped NTAC solve her murder before fading away.
Senator Rolan Lenhoff /Kevin Tighe S04E04 None (Alive) Suggested to Shawn to get into Seattle politics.
Shannon Reese /Lisa Sheridan S04E05 Anxiety relief (Alive) A therapist who became a follower of Jordan Collier's teachings. Shannon helped Tom Baldwin temporarily work off the stress he suffered following Alana Mareva's re-abduction and Kyle's defection to Jordan Collier's movement.
Billy /Gregory Waldock S04E05 Sonic screaming (Alive) A follower of Jordan Collier's teachings.
Dalton Gibbs /Jason Diablo S04E05 Super-intelligence (Alive) A mechanic and electronics wizard who became a follower of Jordan Collier's teachings. Dalton used his new inventions to benefit Collier's movement, especially with his psychic defense beacons, which formed an effective defensive barrier around Promise City.
Kathy Weir /Iris Quinn S04E05 Telekinesis (Alive) A follower of Jordan Collier's teachings.
Paul Weir /Mark Acheson S04E05 Pyrokinesis (Alive) A follower of Jordan Collier's teachings.
Curtis Peck /Todd Giebenhain S04E06 Claircognisance (Deceased) A film director. One of the original 4400, he disappeared May 9, 2001. Curtis used his ability to use the films he made reveal the truth in many historical conspiracies (e.g. John F. Kennedy's assassination). Curtis later uncovered a conspiracy by future agents, known only as "The Marked", to stop the 4400. Curtis was later forced to go on the run from the Marked, but was later captured. But instead of being killed, Curtis agreed to deny the Marked's existence and stop revealing the truth behind historic conspiracies in exchange he would get to direct his own film in Hollywood. He was later tracked down by Diana Skouris and Meghan Doyle, to whom he revealed an important part of the puzzle - "The Marked" gain power over their hosts via nanotechnology injected into the spinal column. Shortly thereafter he is visited by the now "Marked" Tom Baldwin, interrogated, and murdered.
Anastasia /Andrew Rath S04E07 Pollution clean-up (Alive) A follower of Jordan Collier's teachings.
Aquino /Curtis Caravaggio S04E07 Invisibility (Alive) A Captain in the US Army recruited into the enhanced-soldier program. Aquino led a team of 5 enhanced soldiers (including himself) to assassinate Jordan Collier after he seized part of Seattle as the foundation of the new "Promise City", but because of a tip from Maia Skouris, Aquino and his men were captured by Collier, and after refusing to join him, had their abilities removed and were safely escorted out of city.
Henderson /? S04E07 Tracking via scent (Alive) A member of the US Army recruited into the enhanced-soldier program and later assigned to Aquino's team. Ability removed by Jordan Collier.
Unnamed Enhanced Soldier/? S04E07 Psychic attacks (Alive) A member of the US Army recruited into the enhanced-soldier program and later assigned to Aquino's team. Ability removed by Jordan Collier.
Cora Tomkins /Lorena Gale S04E09 Age alteration (Alive) Originally one of the 4400, she disappeared November 2, 1950. Creates a liquid that, when mixed with water, makes whoever drinks it progressively younger. With the instruction of Richard, she used her ability to make Isabelle a baby again. In recent events she seems to have reversed what she had done and returned Isabelle to her original age.
Michael Ancelet /Martin Sims S04E10 Information retention (Alive) A 4400 who used to work the 4400 Center security with Richard. When NTAC came looking for Richard, Jordan gave agents Tom Baldwin and Diana Skouris Michael's name and location in the hopes they could track Richard down. NTAC met Michael at his home and threatened him by saying that they would arrest him and wouldn't allow him to write down all his thoughts building up in his head; which would eventually make him go insane. Michael then reluctantly revealed Richard's hiding place.
Byron Lillibridge /Greyston Holt S04E10 Projection of others (Alive) Originally a member of the 4400, he disappeared February 28, 1966. He helped Kyle try to find Isabelle, by using his ability to create a seemingly real projection of Lily Tyler which fooled Richard completely. "Lily" convinced Richard to change Isabelle back, which was what Kyle also hoped Byron would be able to achieve.

List of The 4400

Character Portrayed by First appearance Abduction date Abilities Immediate effect NTAC's ripple effect theory Status Notes
Jordan Collier Billy Campbell S01E04 April 10, 2002 Ability neutralization dies and is resurrected
Shawn Farrell Patrick Flueger S01E01 April 22, 2001 Biological manipulation
Alana Mareva Karina Lombard S02E07 September 5, 2001 Alternate reality projection Used her ability to take Tom to an alternate reality in which the two of them were married. They stayed for 8 years. Stabilizing influence in Tom Baldwin's life Retaken by the people from the future Stay together in real world, though not married
Maia Skouris Conchita Campbell S01E01 March 3, 1946 Precognition Née Rutledge, adopted by Diana Skouris
Lily Tyler Laura Allen S01E01 May 26, 1993 Empathy Died
Richard Tyler Mahershalalhashbaz Ali S01E01 May 11, 1951 Telekinesis Dated Lily Moore's grandmother
Orson Bailey Michael Moriarty S01E01 June 11, 1979 Shockwave emission Kensington-Bailey fraud revealed Institutionalized
Carl Morrissey David Eigenberg S01E03 February 16, 2003 Physical enhancement Neighbourhood vigilante Neighbourhood watch formed Killed
Oliver Knox Lee Tergesen S01E04 August 22, 1983 Vocal persuasion Caused serial killing One of the victims' brother planted bombs targeting the 4400s Incarcerated
Mary Deneville Georgia Craig S01E05 August 4, 1999 Plant control Killed
Tess Doerner Summer Glau S02E01 April 3, 1955 Mind control Causes a psychiatric hospital to be compelled to build some kind of beacon Woke up neural scientist specialising in dormant neural passageways
Gary Navarro Sharif Atkins S02E02 January 5, 1973 Telepathy Exposes bad plans at 4400 centre In hiding, reportedly in Canada
Heather Tobey Kathryn Gordon S02E05 March 2, 1974 Potential realization Causes her class to all excel at different skills. One student doesn't get a skill and holds a gun to her Agent Skouris suggests she might hire Heather to teach Maia piano or art, agent Baldwin suggests that could be a ripple effect Leaves for another school. In S3, works at 4400 Centre.
Trent Appelbaum Robert Picardo S02E04 May 18, 1989 Rapid metabolism acceleration Causes 2 deaths and 100 people to almost die The proteins in his saliva that cause the ability can be used to advance many areas of science dramatically.
Eric Papequash Glen Gould S02E04 August 5, 1955 Unknown
Jean DeLynn Baker Sherilyn Fenn S02E08 October 27, 1999 Plague spores Killed her entire village Killed
Edwin Musinga/Mayuya Hill Harper S02E09 February 24, 1996 Repair damaged chromosomes (At cost of his own) Saves 4 infants Scandal in his past revealed
Roger Wolcott Rob Lee S02E11 March 6, 1987 Killed
Sara James Karen Austin S02E11 November 5, 1971
Laurel Bryce Iris Paluly S02E11 January 7, 1982
T.J. Kim Leanne Adachi S02E11 February 2, 1998 Produce microwaves, radiowaves and soundwaves Infiltrates NTAC, causing all the males to have their fight or flight reflexes intensified dramatically, causing chaos. Killed
Rose Woodard Christie Wilkes S02E12 December 1991
Matthew Lombard Ken Jones S02E12 May 30, 1977
Werner Loecher Nicholas von Zill S02E12 April 19, 1973
Nate McCullough Jonah Bay S02E13 September 8, 2000
Jung Pak Phoenix Ly S03E01 September 30, 1956 Underwater breathing
Tyler Downing Matthew Gray S03E01 January 9, 1972 Electrokinesis
Philippa Bynes Angelique Naude S03E01 May 11, 1994 Bioluminescence
Dante Ferelli Kurt Evans S03E01 December 24, 1982
Wesley Hauser Andrew Kavadas S03E01 1975
Daniel Armand Ian Tracey S03E01 July 20, 1990 Psychosis induction
Boyd Gelder Sean Marquette S03E03 March 3, 2000 Optical camouflage Imprisoned
Ryan Freel Matthew Harrison S03E04 July 14, 1982
Amy Paspalis Julia Tortolano S03E04 July 23, 1999 Probability alteration
Lindsey Hammond Alexia Fast S03E04 November 23, 1979 Glass-altering oil
Olivia Germaine Sophie Barnett S03E04 April 2, 1964 Water manipulation
Duncan Germaine Cainan Wiebe S03E04 April 2, 1964 Water manipulation
Christopher Dubov Kevin McNulty S03E05 June 29, 1999 Pheromone smelling
Todd Barstow Carter Jenkins S03E06 August 29, 1995 See events and feelings from past Tells Alana who killed her husband and son.
Zachary Gidlund Danny Dorosh S03E06 November 10, 1966
Jane Nance Ulla Friis S03E06 October 17, 1980 Animal control Killed
Jorge Molina Emilio Salituro S03E06 March 24, 1975 Pyrokinesis Killed
Naomi Bonderman Linda Darlow S03E08 February 2, 1992 Produce hallucinations for resolving past problems Helps resolves problems from Tom and Diana's past.
Claudio Borghi Brian George S03E10 June 19, 1961 Precognitive visions induction
Edwin Garrett S03E10 October 8, 1980
Michael Lawrence S03E12 Human's bloodstream oxygen alteration
Paul Newbold Sean Pratt S03E12 Body temperature alteration
Tina Richardson Tanya Hubbard S03E12 April 12, 1995 Memory erasure
Lewis Mesirow Chris Davis S03E12 April 19, 1955 Remote viewing
Curtis Peck Todd Giebenhain May 9, 2001 Claircognizance
Cora Tomkins Lorena Gale November 2, 1950 Rejuvenation liquid secretion
Michael Ancelet Martin Sims S04E09 Eidetic memory
Byron Lillibridge Greyston Holt S04E10 February 28, 1966 Cause someone to see and hear people whether dead or alive